Monday, January 4, 2010

Podcast: Women in Science

"Girls are talking.  You should listen." 

That's the tagline for a cool podcast I've just discovered called GirlTalk.  If you're not familiar with the term podcast, Wikipedia defines it as "a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and downloaded through web syndication."   It's the same concept as a syndicated show you watch on TV, but instead this is on your computer.  And because there's little expense in terms of equipment and software (many computers these days come with basic recording and editing programs pre-installed) often podcasts can be created by just about anybody. 

Here's what GirlTalk is all about:

GirlTalk is a mentoring initiative that encourages girls to explore science, math, engineering and technology - in their own words. GirlTalk Radio consists of a series of interviews with women scientists, conducted by girls ages 11 – 16, making their debuts as Pittsburgh radio hosts!
Teen "GirlTalk Radio" hosts get the inside scoop from women who are in the field and know their stuff.  Some of the podcast interviews include:
  • a marine biologist and exhibit developer for the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
  • an expert in clandestine photography and identity transformation who used to be a CIA intelligence officer 
  • an orthopedist at the UPMC Center for Sports Medicine and team physician for the Pittsburgh Steelers and other amateur and professional sports teams in Pittsburgh 
  • a Google Maps software engineer
Click here to access the podcasts and discover something interesting!


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