Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Amanda Project/Invisible i

I'm not going to lie. I'm a little bit technologically challenged and totally stunted in the social networking sphere, but I have been a librarian for a while and a reader since, well, since I could read. So, believe me when I tell you that The Amanda Project may be one of the coolest things I have ever seen in both the literary world and cyberspace. But, wait. I'm so excited that I'm getting ahead of myself. (But trust me, you NEED to check this out.)

The Amanda Project is a web site dedicated to solving the mystery of Amanda Valentino's disappearance from her school and town in Orion, Maryland. The web site was started by her three "guides" Callie, Hal, and Nia with the help of Hal's younger sister, Cornelia. Now, before anyone loses their heads, Amanda Valentino is a fictional character (or is she?!). She is unique and elusive and completely enigmatic. The beginning of her story and the search to find her can be found in the first book of an eight-book series, Invisible i by Stella Lennon and Melissa Kantor. (Stella Lennon is an invented name to encompass all of the authors who will be writing the series). The web site is a maze of wonder as far as I'm concerned. Readers can sign up for a free account, create their own character/avatar and contribute to the story. Some contributors' posts will even end up published in the books. In addition, new clues can be uploaded to the site with pictures and each week additions to the story are posted by Callie, Hal, Nia and Cornelia. Participants can respond to these stories as well. There's even a Zine that's been started to which participants can submit Amanda/non-Amanda artwork and literature. You can view copies of playlists from the main characters and authors, and you can visit the store and purchase Amanda-related products. My suggestion would be to start by reading the book, Invisible i and to download the Welcome packet from the web site. From there, the web site will make a lot more sense and you can sign up and create your own avatar to participate. Read the Stories left by Callie, Hal and Nia and jump in! This is fan fiction brought to an amazing new level. You will love Amanda's world and be as desperate to find her as the rest of us. So, what are you waiting for? Need more incentive to get started? Check out this video:


Catherine said...

I love your enthusiasm! Isn't it great when you read a great book?!

Erika said...

I think that this is really cool, and I think that I will check it out soon. =]

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