Thursday, January 14, 2010

Keeping with a theme...

In keeping with the "creepy and artistic" theme, here is a video that is NOT by Tim Burton, but is honestly just as awesome as something he would do. It's creepy though, so bewarned if you're easily creeped. It's been called "equal parts Pixar and The Twilight Zone." Here is Alma, by Rodrigo Blaas.


Melissa said...

Oh my gosh, this was too freaky! I can never figure out why dolls are as scary as clowns (Remember that book by Betty Ren Wright...the Dollhouse Murders?) THIS is why!! This was such a cool find! Thanks, Laura. I'll be thinking about the deeper meaning for weeks! Wouldn't it be neat to do quarterly contests where the teens have to visit the blog, view a post (like this one or the Amanda Project post for example) and write or draw something inspired by it? We could 'publish' them on the web site and make circulating copies for the YA section. It'd be a totally cool extra credit project if we could get English teachers on board.

Catherine said...

Poor Alma... poor, poor Alma. Creepy, indeed!

Erika said...

OMG that's soooo freaky. I saw that one episode of the Twilight Zone and was really freaked out by it.

Laura said...

Sorry, Erika!

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