Sand Dollar Summer by Kimberly K. Jones
Reviewed by Nicole, Gr. 7
Reviewed by Nicole, Gr. 7
I just read the book Sand Dollar Summer by Kimberly K. Jones. It is about a girl named Lise LaMer. She lived with her mom and brother [who didn't even talk]. When her mom gets into a bad car crash, they move to an old house on Fiddle Island in Maine so she could rest. Lise has never seen the ocean, so she is very nervous. I would definitely recommend this book to find out what happens.

Remembering Raquel by Vivian Vande Velde
Reviewed by Erika, Gr. 7
Reviewed by Erika, Gr. 7
This book was a very interesting book. It showed what people might think about a person that they sort of knew if they died. This girl named Raquel dies in a car accident, and her friend, classmates, bystanders and family all show what they think about her and her death. I thought that this book is good to make you think about how you might be remembered if you died at a moment’s notice.
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