Monday, February 8, 2010

Ever wanted to be a librarian?

If you've ever wanted to be a librarian (or even if you haven't), try your hand at this fun librarian game. Help Lydia the Librarian find books for the kids before they get upset and leave! You've got a few seconds to remember where all the books are, then try your best to be the Lightning Librarian! The better your memory the better you’ll do!

Click here to give it a try!


Catherine said...

This game is exactly how I feel some days!! (That feeling like "I know where this book or info is... I think I just did this same search last week... I just can't remember how to find it.") And the phone is ringing and a baby is crying and my brain is on a vacation somewhere far away!!!!

I scored 700 on the first round of this game- but the cool thing is I improved and scored 1850 on the second round. And isn't that what life is about? You keep trying and eventually you get the hang of it... and then someone shuffles the board and you have to start from the beginning again! :)

Laura said...

catherine, you always leave the best comments.

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