It's been a really long time since an author has left me hanging this badly and I just have to whine about it. I just finished the second book in The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins and I just looked up the publication date for the next title and it looks to be in August of 2010. This is completely unfair! How will I ever wait until then? If you're not familiar with this series, it begins with The Hunger Games and is followed by Catching Fire. The story takes place in a future in which the citizens of Panem (formerly called North America) are living under strict government rule following the uprising that took place nearly 75 years ago. The country is divided into 12 Districts (the 13th was obliterated in the uprising...or so the government claims...) and each district is responsible for producing a specialized commodity to feed the Capitol. Each year, in order to remind the citizens of Panem that they will never escape the rulership of the government and can never attempt to challenge it, The Capitol holds The Hunger Games. Two children between the ages of 12 and 18 (one boy and one girl) are chosen at random from each district to be tributes to the The Hunger Games...24 children in total. The object of the Games is to fight to the death until only one tribute is left.
I could not put down these books because I had to know what was going to happen and now at the end of the 2nd book, I am left with a huge cliffhanger and a heart that is hungry to know what will happen next. These are must reads for sci-fi and/or adventure fans. They are truly ravenous reads!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Posted by Melissa at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Book Alert, Librarian Book Review
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Cool Deal on a Free Book Download
Maureen Johnson is a very generous author... and funny too! If you don't follow her blog, let me update you on some exciting news: Maureen Johnson (and her publisher) are making her book, Suite Scarlett, available for download for FREE from now until January15th! Check out her Wednesday, December 23rd blog entry for all the details. Here is the direct link to download your FREE copy of Suite Scarlett. Thanks Maureen Johnson for being so generous!!
And while I have your attention... if you are in high school and are interested in participating in the High School Advanced Division Battle of the Books, this free book deal is even better news than you think. Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson just so happens to be one of our three Battle Books this winter! Hint, hint... download this book today (or stop by the library since we have plenty of copies on our shelves) and sign up to be involved in this exciting program at the Hauppauge Public Library.
Posted by Catherine at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Advanced Battle of the Books, Book Alert
Monday, December 21, 2009
Bento Boxes!
The first day that I discovered the bento box I attempted to make my lunch for the next day in bento form. See the picture to the right. It didn't include rice, fish, meat, or any pickled or cooked vegetables. (It does have an assortment of tiny things and vegan meats, however.)
Posted by Laura at 4:42 PM 1 comments
Labels: bento boxes, Food
Let it Snow!
With the snow piled up to my nose out there, it seems like a perfect time to recommend a really fun holiday read. Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances is written by three of your favorite YA authors: John Green (Looking for Alaska), Maureen Johnson (13 Little Blue Envelopes), and Lauren Myracle (TTYL & TTFN). Each author takes the point of view of a different main character and they tell three different, but intertwined stories that take place on a very snowy Christmas eve. The stories are funny and romantic and just realistic enough that you don't want to throw the book into a pile of snow. This book is the perfect diversion for your holiday break in a completely fun and frivolous way. So pick up a copy at the Library, make yourself a mug of hot chocolate and enjoy!
Posted by Melissa at 2:52 PM 3 comments
Labels: Book Alert, Librarian Book Review, Realistic Fiction
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Cathy's Book, If found call (650) 266-8233
I'm going to admit right off the bat, that I just found this online a few minutes ago, but it looks so cool that I just had to share!
Cathy's Book by Sean Stewart and Jordan Weisman is the first interactive teen novel! It's been completely reworked from it's original form (click the link to reserve the original) and is available iPhone and iPod Touch!
"The publishing phenomenon Cathy's Book redefined the way teens approach novels and set a new standard for interactivity, using the most popular kids' technology to enhance the experience of reading a really good story... Part romance, part thriller, part mystery, Cathy's Book stands on its own beyond the interactive angle and the intense marketing campaign that made it a bestseller." -Amazon
But, with the new app (which I can admit looks way more exciting than the regular book), you'll get to experience the story by making phone calls, checking websites, discovering evidence and secrets, and exploring the pages of Cathy's private sketchbook.
For more information, check out Cathy's website here!
OR just go straight to itunes buy her app from the store. You can download itunes here (it works on a PC too). I'm going to buy it ASAP! Looks like so much fun!
Help Cathy solve the mystery before it's too late!
Posted by Laura at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Apps, Book Alert
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Your Author's Favorite Author
Posted by Anonymous at 3:32 PM 2 comments
TAB Meeting - Wednesday, December 23rd
Posted by Anonymous at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Gleeking Out
That's it! I can't hide it anymore. I am a total Gleek! I LOVE the tv show Glee and was silmutaneously sad and ecstatic to to watch the fall finale this past Wednesday (if you missed it, check it out here on Hulu). For those of you unfamiliar with the show, Glee is about a high school glee club (a.k.a. show choir) and its quirky members. It features choreographed musical numbers and is laugh-out-loud funny. I heard the best definition of the show during an interview with the cast members. They said Glee is High School Musical, after you kick it in the stomach and steal its lunch money. If you're like me and you're going to be experiencing Glee withdrawal until new episodes return next spring, then you'll need something to get you through those dark and glee-less nights. Below is a short list of movies to try if you love Glee as much as I do. Check them out at the Library and don't forget to share your favorites here too!
With Singing and/or Dancing:
Center Stage (2000, Rated: PG-13)
Drumline (2002, Rated: PG-13)
Footloose (1984, Rated PG)
Grease (1978, Rated: PG)
Mr. Holland's Opus (1999, Rated: PG)
Raise Your Voice (2004, Rated: PG)
Save the Last Dance (2001, Rated: PG-13)
Without Singing:
Bring It On (2000, Rated: PG-13)
Clueless (1999, Rated: PG-13)
Legally Blonde (2001, Rated: PG-13)
Mean Girls (2004, Rated: PG-13)
Never Been Kissed (1999, Rated: PG-13)
Pretty in Pink (1986, Rated: PG-13)
Posted by Melissa at 11:03 AM 1 comments
Labels: Movies, Television
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Teen Book Review: Evermore and A Midsummer Night's Dream
Evermore by Alyson Noel
Reviewed by Erika, Gr. 8
This book was as good as a book can get. It was romantic, tragic and at the same time a little creepy. Even though it was sort of a love story, I think that many people would like this book because it is wasn't all about the couple through out the book like most true love stories.
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare
Reviewed by Erika, Gr. 8
This book, even thought most of you may think that it is boring, was fantastic and funny. A Midsummer Night's Dream is a love story with a few twists. Twists like people falling in love with the wrong people, and a play gone bad. Either way, you will definitely enjoy this book.
Posted by Catherine at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Teen Book Review
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Secret Books are Secret No More!!
For those of you who are too old for the regular summer Battle of the Books, this is great news!! If you don't know what Battle of the Books is all about or weren't part of it in your Middle School years, it's a fun program where you read the chosen books and try to remember as many trivia details from them as possible. Every library who participates sends a team to "battle" and the team who answers the most questions correctly is named "Battle Champs!" It's a fun program if you love to read and have a knack for remembering details. Plus, you get to meet tons of other high-schoolers from across Suffolk County.
So basically you can start reading the books now. We're going to have three practice meetings: Tuesdays January 12th, February 23rd, and March 16th. And then on Friday, March 19th from 6:00- 9:00pm (at the Sachem Public Library in Holbrook) teams across Suffolk County will battle each other for the title of Battle Champs!
The books that are being battled this Spring are really good... check out the titles:
Rash by Pete Hautman
In a future society that has decided it would "rather be safe than free," sixteen-year-old Bo's anger control problems land him in a tundra jail where he survives with the help of his running skills and an artificial intelligence program named Bork.
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin
After a nasty fall, Naomi realizes that she has no memory of the last four years and finds herself reassessing every aspect of her life.
Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
Fifteen-year-old Scarlett Marvin is stuck in New York City for the summer working at her quirky family's historic hotel, but her brother's attractive new friend and a seasonal guest who offers her an intriguing and challenging writing project improve her outlook.
Posted by Catherine at 12:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Advanced Battle of the Books, Program
Monday, November 30, 2009
NaNoWriMo Finished

All the past years I wrote novels (when my plots weren't outlined as well as they were this year) I knew my novel was over when I hit 50,000 words. This year, I had a specific outline that I followed and, unfortunately, my story ended at 47,000 words. But 47,000/50,000 words into NaNoWriMo is no time to quit! This is when it was time to implement "Operation Flashbacks and Dream Sequences."
This kind of felt like a copout at first, but as I was going through it, I realized that it was actually a nice sly way to develop characters! And, also, I realized that plenty of ACTUAL NOVELS are filled with flashbacks and dream sequences. They're a real thing! So, okay, it wasn't a cop out.
Not to toot my own horn too much or anything, but I think this was my best novel yet. However, it still (a) doesn't have a title and (b) seems too awful to actually show people. So I guess that's it. Another 50,000 words down. I'm just enjoying having free time!
Posted by Laura at 4:24 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Who is your favorite author's favorite author??

Posted by Anonymous at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Author Questions
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
One of the most addicting things you'll ever do...
Every so often we have to cancel a program due to low enrollment. Unfortunately, tonight was one of those nights. (sniff... sniff...) Our "Little-ature: Small Stories" program had to be canceled, but I figured I'd blog about it anyway since it was a cool concept for a program. (If I do say so myself!)
The idea was based on an awesome book that I recommend everyone read called, "I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six-word Memoirs" by Teens Famous and Obscure. Here the description of the book:
"This is a book with over 600 authors (all aged thirteen to nineteen) and 600 characters (all real, as far as we know) and 600 stories (which can be read in any order). What every story has in common is that each was written about the author's own life, and that each is the exact same length: six words."
It's such a neat exercise in writing... each "story" has to be 6 words- no more, no less- and convey a complete thought. After reading just a few pages of this book, I was blown away with how much you can really say about yourself, your attitude, your mood, your past/present/future, etc. with just 6 words! Some of the stories in this book are hysterical, and some will break your heart. Some are pure fun, while others are deeper than you'd expect to ever get in such a short sentence. Overall though, you will be in awe of the authors and I guarentee- you will be tempted to write your own!
Here are some highlights that I found interesting:
Dare you not to write one!- Catherine L. (That was six words, by the way!)
Posted by Catherine at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: Librarian Book Review, Program, Writing
Studying while asleep?
Scientists from Northwestern University in Chicago have found that "hearing specific sounds during sleep can improve memory and recall." It has something to do with the way our brains work- even though we're asleep, our brains are still very active. These scientists believe that we "consolidate memories as we sleep" and that during this time period "we can influence which ones we will later remember more strongly."
Scientists asked a group of students to look at 50 objects, including a cat and a kettle, which were all paired to a specific location on a computer screen. They then asked the volunteers to lie down, and as they slept, played them a series of sounds related to half of the objects, including a cat's meow and a tea kettle boiling. Tested later, the students were better able to correctly place an object's location for those items whose sounds they had heard while sleeping.
So the question remains, is this an effective study tool? Obviously you have to learn the material first, but this may be a way to keep the stuff you just learned "up front" in your brain's file cabinet. What do you think?
Posted by Catherine at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Science
Monday, November 23, 2009
Skateboarding Bulldog
Video game + cute dog = talent! Can your dog do this?
Posted by Catherine at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: video link
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Random Site of the Moment: GoAnimate
This site called GoAnimate was just brought to my attention by our wonderful librarian Kassia. Since she described it to me so well, I'll let her explain how cool this site is to you:
To get started, you need to create an account, but don't worry, it's free. You can spice up boring slideshows or create animation. The site offers a variety of characters (including well known cartoons) from which to choose. You can also upload your own pictures, sounds and music. A pretty cool way of adding interest to a school assignment, eh? You should check it out, it's way awesome!
Thanks Kassia for the heads-up on such a cool site!
Posted by Catherine at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Comics, Random Site of the Moment
Friday, November 20, 2009
Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
I just came across a really good blog post that has recommendations for teen reads in the genres of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Check out the lists by clicking on the links below. There are some really good titles mentioned!
Science Fiction
The blog posts were found on, a site for "science fiction, fantasy, and all the things that interest SF and fantasy readers, presents original short fiction, new sequential art, extensive art galleries, and commentary on science fiction and related subjects by a wide range of writers from all corners of the science fiction and fantasy field; both professionals working in the genres and fans. Its aim is to provoke, encourage, and enable interesting and rewarding conversations with and between its readers."
The book lists were created by Megan Crewe, a Canadian young adult novelist, who has a new book out entitled, Give up the Ghost. Check out a book trailer for her new book here:
Posted by Catherine at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Book Trailer, Fantasy, Science Fiction, video link
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Teen Book Review: Unclaimed Heart by Kim Wilkins
Unclaimed Heart by Kim Wilkins
Reviewed by Caitlyn
Constance is a young woman in 1799. She sneaks about her father’s ship to join a search for her mother who disappeared when she was a baby. Her father discovers her and decides to let her stay. When Alexandre, a young French man comes into the picture, Constance falls in love. Alexandre worked on a pearl diving ship for about 8 years and ran off when Constance’s father claimed his old ship from a cruel man by the name of DeLocke. When they arrive in Ceylon, Constance and her father stay at a friend’s. Alexandre remains on his “home”, the pearl diving ship. Constance’s father wants to sell the ship. Constance also sort-of befriends a girl name Orlanda. Orlanda ends up falling in love with Alexandre, too, while Constance’s father continues his own search for his lost wife. Constance gets help from Alexandre to find her mother. This book is full of young love, drama and wonder.
I recommend this book to all of the young women and girls around the world. It was a very good book. I give it four stars out of five. It is one of those books where you have to read in one day to a few days. The library should get it.
Posted by Catherine at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Teen Book Review
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Is The Social Media Revolution a Fad?
I just came back from a very interesting meeting of Suffolk County Librarians where the topic was "Social Media" (Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, MySpace, etc.) Most of the librarians in the room seemed to participate in one or more of these social media sites, whether it was a personal account or an account on behalf of the library they work for.
One librarian shared with us a very interesting video clip she found on YouTube. It's full of facts and statistics on how people all over the world use these social media sites and how quickly it's gaining popularity... but don't worry, like most presentations today it has cool graphics and great music behind it, so it's not boring! I'd be curious on everyone's thoughts after watching this. How many social media sites do you participate in?
Posted by Catherine at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Promoting Libraries, Social Networking, video link
So uh... how you comin' on that novel you're workin' on?
We're almost half-way through the month of November... half-way through the writing challenge of NaNoWriMo... so I thought I'd share this little gem from an old episode of Family Guy.
Posted by Catherine at 12:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: NaNoWriMo, video link, Writing
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A Week Full of Anniversaries
The second event is the 20th anniversary of the 80's movie Say Anything. To mark the occasion this week, Lloyd Dobler impersonators descended upon NYC with boomboxes held high (just like the scene from the movie) and essentially serenaded the city. Classic move for a classic movie!
And the last event: it's the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street- a show that continues to be a driving force behind quality programming for children. With forty years of potential video clips to show, it's only fitting that I share this little tidbit with you to celebrate...
Posted by Catherine at 11:54 PM 2 comments
Labels: anniversary, history, Movies, video link
Writing Tips from the Experts
Some inspiration for those writers out there who are participating in NaNoWriMo... from YA writers who have accepted this writing challenge themselves. (Yeah, they're professional writers, but that doesn't mean they don't feel the same pain you feel when you go to sit down at the computer/ typewriter/ pad of paper and nothing is coming out. They have their good days and bad days, just like the rest of us!)
Maureen Johnson (author of Suite Scarlet, 13 Little Blue Envelopes and others) offers advice on Points of View. If you've ever wondered what the difference was between a 1st person narrative and a 3rd person omniscient, read this recent blog post from Maureen Johnson on the subject.
Justine Larbalestier (author of Liar, How to Ditch Your Fairy, and others) speaks about the ever-looming "word count" fear. NaNoWriMo is all about quantity, but as she explains in her blog, you shouldn't let a slow-writing day freak you out.
And for some good advice on the overall writing process, check out this video from Meg Cabot (author of Airhead, The Princess Diaries, and others.) Meg shares with us how to start your story and more importantly, how you should always know how your story will end.
Posted by Catherine at 12:06 AM 1 comments
Labels: NaNoWriMo, video link, Writing
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Teen Book Review: Riding the Universe by Gabby Triana
Reviewed by Caitlyn
Chloe Rodriguez is a teenager in high school. She struggles a little with her work, especially chemistry. She should be studying but instead she hangs out at her secret “hideout” and daydreams. Only her best friend Rock knows about it. Then she meets her peer tutor, Gordon Spucirka. Chloe has to go to tutoring because she is failing chemistry. If she doesn’t raise her grade, her bike (motorcycle) Lolita will be taken away. Chloe falls in love with Gordon, one of the smartest people in her grade. When Chloe invites Gordon to her “secret” hideout, things change. Instead of studying chemistry, she starts studying the other chemistry. Gordon and Chloe become boyfriend and girlfriend. Chloe starts getting distracted with Gordon. Chloe soon faces challenges throughout her junior year.
I would recommend this book. I cried, laughed, smiled, and was touched. This book should be for teens in high school and possibly 8th graders. This book shows everything that can happen in a high school year. The beginning isn’t the most interesting but I got into it.
Posted by Catherine at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Teen Book Review
Friday, November 6, 2009
Random Site of the Moment- This to That
I just found a website that will save many of you a lot of frustration in the future. The site is called This to That and it's all about glue. Not that exciting, right? Oh... you couldn't be further from the truth! If you ever find yourself needing to glue odd items together, like plastic to styrofoam or fabric to glass, consult this site to find out which type of glue may be best for your situation. They have a handy drop-down menu of items to choose from. Just fill in the the "this" column and the "that" column and discover the best type of glue to use! As if this wasn't enough, the site also contains trivia (with some really interesting tidbits of history), news stories where glue was the main story (various stories of people gluing themselves to things), and Frequently Asked Questions with loads of useful info. Who knew there was so much to learn about glue?!
Posted by Catherine at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Labels: Random Site of the Moment
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Teen Book Review: Hallowmere by Tiffany Trent
Hallowmere: In the Serpent's Coils by Tiffany Trent
Reviewed by Caitlyn
Corrine is now an orphan. Both her parents are dead. By her uncle she is sent to Falston Manor, a school for girls. Girls are sent because their parents don’t want them or the girls are “not girly”. Corrine starts to have dreams about mysterious Vampire People who are called the Fey. At Falston, Corrine becomes friends with Ilena. Ilena helps her survive the school and shows her many things. Soon, Corrine suspects that there is some evil at Falston Manor. A few girls go missing and Corrine sees some of the staff in witchcraft. When Corrine joins this secret society (not officially), she ends up finding out secrets that mean everything. Will Corrine be able to find out who is evil? Who are the Fey? Why do weird things happen at Falston?
I say read the book! I read this in one night and couldn’t put it down. I recommend this for kids in middle school and high school, mostly girls. This is a five- star book and I can’t wait to read the next one!
Posted by Catherine at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Teen Book Review
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Vampire Diaries
The show is based on the books Vampire Diaries. I cheated slightly and read a little bit about the books on the Vampire Diaries website but am not ready to start them. The Vampire Diaries show is keeping my attention and I don’t want the book to take away from it. I know…I’m a librarian and should want to read it, but in this case the excitement of sitting down to watch the show is what I like. The characters in the show are great and it’s keeping my attention every Thursday at 8 on CW.
Has anybody else watched the show? Have you read the books? Do you recommend them? What do you like about the show? Let’s start a discussion and after Thursday we can talk some more!
This Vampire Diaries website includes information about the books and the TV show including interviews with the actors/actresses portraying the character. Be careful if you go to this site to find out about the show. You might be intrigued to take a peek at the information about the books which is where I read mine. If you don’t want to be tempted explore the TV show’s website instead. If you miss an episode they will usually play it on the site for you and you can watch the previews.
Curious about the author? Interested in more of her books? Explore L.J. Smith's website.
Posted by Meghan at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Vampire Diaries
Quote of the Moment
Posted by Meghan at 5:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: Quote of the Moment
Monday, November 2, 2009
More About NaNoWriMo
Hey guys! My name is Laura and I'm a new authoring librarian on this blog. I wanted to post about my experiences with National Novel Writing Month (I saw that Catherine brought it up yesterday) because this is my FOURTH year participating.
As you probably already read the goal of NaNoWriMo is to write a 175-page/50,000 word novel between November 1st and November 30th. Word count is the only goal. Unlike any other writing you've probably done, NaNoWriMo encourages quantity and that's it. So, as a participant you have to kind of train yourself to keep writing and stop worrying about what you write. In fact, Chris Baty, the director of the program, encourages that it's a stress-free thing, anything goes (content-wise).
Here's my experiences with it:
Year #1 (2006): I had just graduated from college and I was a pretty good writer from all of the creative writing courses I had taken (and got A's in, just saying) so I felt pretty confident and excited going in to this. I was awesome at developing characters (I had a mother character who was a police officer and was OBSESSED with her job and all things in life being aligned with the law) but terrible at keeping any kind of plot going for 50,000 words. The end product was okay, I wasn't about to go showing it off, but it was DONE. I had just written my first novel!
Year #2 (2007): This was my first semester of graduate school and I guess maybe my heart wasn't it because my characters were okay (not as good as the year before) and my plot literally didn't exist. My characters just kept doing things like going to work, having lunch, and hanging out with their friends. I would never let anybody even come close to reading this novel, but again, I finished. I wrote two novels!
Year #3 (2008): I didn't fully outline a plot but I knew I had to plan out some kind of direction for my story because I did not want a repeat of 2007. So far, this was probably the best of my 3 completed novels, but I hit a lot of road blocks along the way. I had good characters (based on people I knew in real life, which was probably the best thing I could have done) and a lot of funny scenes, but I had only planned out a basic, overall idea for the plot and I had trouble stretching it all the way to 50,000 words. Because of this, I wound up with a lot of silly and sort of random scenes for length. But again, I finished and was now a THREE-BOOK AUTHOR!!!
Year #4 (2009): Happy Day 2! This year I did so much prep work. I typed up a 10-page outline with every scene I planned to include and I also to decided change genres! I moved from realistic fiction alllllllllllll the way to children's fantasy (maybe because I just read The Golden Compass). This is the first year that I'm a bit behind where I should be on word count (I'm at 2,400 and I should be at 3,340), but I feel okay about it because I have so much direction. The only thing I'm noticing is that my characters and my writing just isn't as strong as they once were- maybe because I'm not in school anymore.
Anyway, I don't want to bore you guys with my whole plot summary on my very first post, but maybe I'll tell you a little about it next time I update you on my progress. Is anyone else writing this year? I'd LOVE to hear about your challenges and progress along the way. It's a crazy month!!!!
Posted by Laura at 4:03 PM 1 comments
Random Site of the Moment- Upside Down Dogs
Okay, so every now and then I come across a completely random site that I just absolutely have to share with other people. There's never a rhyme or reason to the subject matter. Sometimes it's informative. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's just beyond words. But all the time it's a site that just needs to be shared.
I played around with the idea of making a "Random Site of the Week" posting, but then I thought, "Should posts on random things be scheduled?!" It just didn't seem right. So, after some thought, I'm proud to announce a new segment of the Teen Frequencey Blog... Random Site of the Moment. These posts will be random in every sense of the word...
Enjoy: Upside Down Dogs
Posted by Catherine at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Random Site of the Moment
Sunday, November 1, 2009
National Novel Writing Month Challenge
It's November 1st and it's not too late to join the thousands of teens (and adults) around the world who will be participating in the 2009 NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month.) For the next 30 days, participants will be writing in the hopes of producing a novel. Adults are supposed to reach a 50,000 word count, but teens are allowed to set their own goals; a number that would be reasonable, yet challenging.
The main objective set forth by the creators of this writing challenge is to encourage quantity over quality. That may sound odd and somehow backwards, but the reality of it is- most writers are their own worst critics and often high standards and pressure from within to write a masterpiece on the first try inhibit even the best of writers. NaNoWriMo offers participants the chance to write on their own, with the knowledge that there's a community of writers out in the world doing the same thing too.
That's the basic idea of this month-long celebration... just write. By reaching your writing goal, whether the story is good or bad, you've accomplished something. Writer's block doesn't have time to take hold, and you, the writer, have a piece of fiction that you can now revise into something better, if you so choose.
If you're a writer, or just want to give this challenge a whirl, go to the official NaNoWriMo webpage for more details on how it works.
And don't forget about the writing program we're having here at the library:
Tuesday, November 24 at 6:00pm
For those of us who acknowledge the efforts of the people taking part in NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month celebration, but don't have time to write a novel, we have Little-ature. Play around with words on a smaller scale by creating six-word memoirs, 100-word stories and other feats of brevity.
Posted by Catherine at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Attention Teen Writers
A Summer Camp Program Designed For Teen Writers Interested in Fantasy Fiction Genres.
Shared Worlds is a two-week residential camp based on a "shared world" theme. A shared world is a growing trend in fiction that centers around a complete, fictional world designed by a group. During Wofford's Shared World program, students will design fantasy worlds with other young, creative writers and share those worlds through fiction, art, and game design.This sounds really cool for anyone interested in Science Fiction/ Fantasy writing. The 2010 summer camp will be held from July 18 through July 31 at Wofford campus in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The tuition is a lot of money, but the site says scholarships will be available, although I couldn't find any information on that anywhere on the site so it may not be available just yet. I just thought this was an interesting site to pass along to anyone who may wish to find out more for themselves.
In order to build a shared world, students will attend overview classes with Wofford College professors in many disciplines, including history, religion, and physics. Furthermore, students will take classes in creative writing. All classes emphasize problem solving, collaborative learning, and experiential learning.
Shared Worlds is proud to announce that instructors for 2010 will include Spiderwick Chronicles creator Holly Black, critically acclaimed YA and adult authors Kathe Koja and Marly Youmans, Nebula Award winner Michael Bishop, writer and gaming expert Will Hindmarch, and World Fantasy Award winner Jeff VanderMeer, plus Wofford College's own Dr. Christine Dinkins, philosophy professor, and Jeremy Jones, lecturer and camp director. Artist Scott Eagle will also conduct a workshop during the camp.
Posted by Catherine at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Summer Camps, Writing
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Teen Read Week Raffle Winners!
Posted by Catherine at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Raffle, Teen Read Week
Saturday, October 24, 2009
What is your favorite author reading? - Day 6

Posted by Anonymous at 9:45 AM 1 comments
Labels: Author Questions
Friday, October 23, 2009
Program Highlights: Gummy Bear Surgery

Posted by Catherine at 11:31 PM 1 comments
What is your favorite author reading? - Day 5

Posted by Anonymous at 9:35 AM 3 comments
Labels: Author Questions
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What is your favorite author reading? - Day 4
Posted by Anonymous at 9:26 AM 1 comments
Labels: Author Questions
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
2009 Teens' Top Ten Just Announced
Breaking news from the Young Adult Library Services Association: The Teens' Top Ten for 2009 has been announced! Check out the winners, as chosen by teens across America:
- Paper Towns by John Green (Penguin/Dutton)
- Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers)
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (Scholastic)
- City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare (Simon & Schuster/Margaret K. McElderry)
- Identical by Ellen Hopkins (Simon & Schuster/Margaret K. McElderry)
- The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (HarperCollins)
- Wake by Lisa McMann (Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse)
- Untamed by P.C. and Kristin Cast (St. Martin's Griffin)
- The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart (Disney-Hyperion)
- Graceling by Kristin Cashore (Harcourt/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Posted by Catherine at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: Teens' Top Ten, YALSA
Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
Posted by Anonymous at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Book Trailer
What is your favorite author reading? - Day 3

Posted by Anonymous at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: Author Questions
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What is your favorite author reading? - Day 2
Posted by Anonymous at 1:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Author Questions
Monday, October 19, 2009
What is your favorite author reading?
Posted by Anonymous at 5:13 PM 1 comments
Labels: Author Questions