All the past years I wrote novels (when my plots weren't outlined as well as they were this year) I knew my novel was over when I hit 50,000 words. This year, I had a specific outline that I followed and, unfortunately, my story ended at 47,000 words. But 47,000/50,000 words into NaNoWriMo is no time to quit! This is when it was time to implement "Operation Flashbacks and Dream Sequences."
This kind of felt like a copout at first, but as I was going through it, I realized that it was actually a nice sly way to develop characters! And, also, I realized that plenty of ACTUAL NOVELS are filled with flashbacks and dream sequences. They're a real thing! So, okay, it wasn't a cop out.
Not to toot my own horn too much or anything, but I think this was my best novel yet. However, it still (a) doesn't have a title and (b) seems too awful to actually show people. So I guess that's it. Another 50,000 words down. I'm just enjoying having free time!
Way-to-go, Laura! That is such an awesome accomplishment! It's takes a huge amount of passion and dedication (and the time you mentioned) to undertake this challenge and you should be so proud of yourself for reaching your goal. I'm so impressed and inspired by what you've done. It makes me think about all the things we can do (not just writing) when we care about something, plan for it, and work hard to achieve it. Amazing job, Laura! Uh-oh, I'm about to have a flashback to your earlier posts about this topic...
Awesome!! You must be on cloud nine! Or cloud 50,000 to be more exact!! I'm so happy for you... you should consider putting these novels out into the world. What an accomplishment!
Thanks!! Who ARE you anonymous commenter!?
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