Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Vampire Diaries

Thursday night rolls around and I have one thing on my mind…vampires! I am obsessed with the new show Vampire Diaries. I mean it makes sense. I love the TV show True Blood (definitely for adults only) and the Twilight series books (perfect for the teens). If you want a little something more Vampire Diaries is the perfect touch of both True Blood and Twilight. It has the romance story, but also a little vampire blood. I feel that I have been surprised by the twists and turns in the story. What is Damon going to do next? Is he here to stay? Are Stefan and Elena meant to be together? What is Damon going to do to Vicki? Of course she becomes a vampire. I figured she was a main character so they would make her into a vampire, but was quite surprised when Stefan had to put a stake through her heart. I never know what to expect with the show, but I do know that I love it!!!

The show is based on the books Vampire Diaries. I cheated slightly and read a little bit about the books on the Vampire Diaries website but am not ready to start them. The Vampire Diaries show is keeping my attention and I don’t want the book to take away from it. I know…I’m a librarian and should want to read it, but in this case the excitement of sitting down to watch the show is what I like. The characters in the show are great and it’s keeping my attention every Thursday at 8 on CW.

Has anybody else watched the show? Have you read the books? Do you recommend them? What do you like about the show? Let’s start a discussion and after Thursday we can talk some more!

This Vampire Diaries website includes information about the books and the TV show including interviews with the actors/actresses portraying the character. Be careful if you go to this site to find out about the show. You might be intrigued to take a peek at the information about the books which is where I read mine. If you don’t want to be tempted explore the TV show’s website instead. If you miss an episode they will usually play it on the site for you and you can watch the previews.

Curious about the author? Interested in more of her books? Explore L.J. Smith's website.


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