Thursday, January 29, 2015

SAT Prep- Small Group Instruction


February 15, 22, March 1, and 8 

3:00- 5:30pm

Prepare for the SAT test with this series of classes taught by Tom Kenney, a certified teacher with years of experience preparing students for the SAT test.

The fee for this program includes instruction only. Participants MUST provide their own copy of the book: The Official SAT Study Guide by The College Board, 2nd edition. 

To register: Stop by or call the library, or register online

Please note:  A non-refundable check for $100 (made payable to Tom Kenney) is due at the time of registration, or at the very latest, by the first class.  Due to the cumulative nature of the class, no new  students may join the class after the first session has occurred.  


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