Friday, March 14, 2014

Teen Tech Week- DIY Writing Creations

 DIY Writing Creations

Black out Poetry or Newspaper Blackout
Both of these poetry styles use the idea of taking an existing text and covering up the words you don't want to see by blacking them out, leaving only the poetry behind.  Some examples are straightforward sharpie-to-the-paper, while others have a more artistic approach.  Either way, the idea that the poem was there in the text the whole time is kind of neat.  You're like a sculptor of words, chiseling away the unwanted parts.

Six Word Memoirs
As anyone who texts and/or tweets knows, sometimes it can be challenging to be brief.  We all have a lot to say, right?  Well, try writing an autobiography using only six words.  What six words strung together would give us a sense of who you are, where you've been, or what you're feeling right now?  'Smithteens', the teen portion of 'Six Word Memoirs', is dedicated to just that. 

*Remember: for Teen Tech Week, if you send us a picture of a DIY project you've done, we'll enter you into our raffle for a Barnes and Noble gift card! (Your photo and project explanation must be submitted to us no later than Saturday, March 15th. See a librarian for more details.) 


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