Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games Day!

Has anyone seen The Hunger Games yet? With the movie out TODAY, I've compiled a few fun Hunger Games Internet activities, for your entertainment:

1. Watch a trailer. You can never do too much trailer watching, right?:

2. PLAY GAMES! Scholastic has created two of these: The first is called "Trial By Fire," where you can find out if you're ready for the Hunger Games and test your abilities to see if you'd be able to survive the real thing. The next is called "Tribute Trials," where you can see if you can survive being in an arena like the one in the Hunger Games, then try to discover how you might improve your chances. Click here to play!

3. Read, a fun and popular Hunger Games fan site, that will have you scrolling mindlessly for a hours.

4. has created a few hilarious charts that are definitely worth a look at. Here's one, for example:
Click here for the rest of the Hunger Games related charts and graphs.

And if you've seen the movie, let us know! How did it compare to the book? Was it too scary for little kids? I'm seeing it tonight at 9:00 pm and I can't wait!


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