Friday, June 25, 2010

Twilight Star Related to Dracula

How interesting:  according to research done at, Robert Pattinson is distantly related to Dracula!  The real-life man, Vlad III Dracula, not the book and movie Dracula we know... cause that would sort of be impossible.  But now that I got your attention, read below:

Genealogy web site said on Wednesday that the British actor is distantly related to Vlad III Dracula -- the cruel 15th century ruler who inspired Bram Stoker's literary Count Dracula in 1897. Family history experts said Pattinson and Vlad -- the Transylvania-born despot also known as Vlad the Impaler -- are likely related through today's British royal family. Pattinson, 24, is a distant cousin of Prince William and Prince Harry on their father's side, probably through the Pickering family who lived in northern England in the early 1500s, said.


Erika said...

I think that they kind of look alike too. =]

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