Sunday, April 18, 2010

Teen Book Review: The Princess Bride by William Goldman

The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Reviewed by Erika, Gr. 8

Even though I have seen this movie a thousand times, I still think that the book was better. And to be quite honest, I didn't think that it even was a book, till i searched it on the web, and decided to take it out. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, I highly recommend you at the very least read the book. You haven't read a fairy tale story with a happy ending till you read The Princess Bride.

This book is about a regular girl that lives on a farm with her family and her 'farm boy' Westly. After Westly has left, and had been killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts, the Prince chooses her to be his bride. As she has been kidnapped, she is reunited with the only love of her life Westly, and they go through many battles with the prince to save their love.

This was and still is a wonderful book, and I recommend it to everyone that loves a good fairy tale. =]

*Note from Miss Catherine: The 20th Anniversary Edition of the movie has the coolest cover I've ever seen in my life... check it out below.  It reads the same upside down as it does right side up!  Unbelievably clever!  (By the way, fabulous post Erika!)


Erika said...

Thanks you Miss Catherine. After owning this movie since Christmas, I only just discovered that you could read it both ways. =]

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