Thursday, April 8, 2010

Intelligent video clip

Quite possibly one of the most ingenious video clips I've ever seen.  This is a video that was made by the people at Penguin Publishers (DK Publishing) for an internal meeting about the future of publishing.  It was so well received that they released it to the public.  It's brilliant in every way possible:  for its content, its message and the concept of perspective.  You have to watch this all the way through to get the full effect... trust me, it is so worth the watch. 


Donna said...

That was brilliant and very thougth provoking.

Melissa said...

This is such a cool concept. I've seen it a couple of times with different themes and a children's poetry book called Mirror Mirror was just published using these types of reverse poems. Isn't everything in the world just a matter of how you see it? And doesn't everything sound more authoritative in a British accent? (even if it means I'm using a moe-bial :)

Erika said...

Miss Catherine, this is an awesome video that I think should be shared with as many people as possible. It was very touching, and I like the reversed version better. =]

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