Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Better late than never

You've heard of that phrase, right? Well this blog post is a perfect example of that!

On Saturday, August 16th 2008, teens from the Hauppauge Library competed in a county-wide book trivia contest called Battle of the Books. All summer long participants in this program had been reading 8 novels and remembering as much trivia from each as they could. They attended many practice sessions throughout the month of July, and spent countless hours reading the books- sometimes reading them more than once! We had tons of fun creating a team name (The Flying American Reading Warriors) and making T-shirts and costume accessories to match.

At the county-wide Battle (which was held on the campus of Stony Brook University) six of our teens (plus one alternate player) represented the Hauppauge Library. The day was packed with both nerve-wracking drama and loads of fun. They did absolutely fabulous and had such a good time meeting other teens from across Suffolk County.

Click here to see the official scores from the Battle from the Battle of the Books website.

One of the highlights was finding out that the Hauppauge Library won the Team Spirit Award. This was an award given by the judges to the team they thought exemplified the very important art of team enthusiasum and spirit.

Congratulations to all who participated in this summer-long program and to all who put so much effort into making it a success! (And sorry for taking so long to post this wonderful news!)


Anonymous said...

awesome! good to see people get involved, so who won this battle of the books? We all do! lol

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