Sunday, June 29, 2008

Balloon animals... more than just rubber chickens

Although if it's chickens you really want to make, I'm sure that you can be taught! Just come on down to the Hauppauge Library! What is this event that I'm talking about?

Balloon Sculpting
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Learn from a professional how to create works of art from simple balloons. Each participant will leave with several balloon animals along with the knowledge of how to create more.

There's still room left in this amazing program. Just call, email, or stop by the library to sign up.

**Due to the teaching style of the program (where one skill learned builds upon another) you must arrive on-time for this program... not an easy feat, I know, with the traffic in this town! But the programmer requested that once he gets started, no one else be admitted into the room. (Kind-of strict, but necessary so he doesn't have to re-teach the first few steps -- which are critical to the whole program -- ten times while everyone else waits.)


Anonymous said...

The smiles one can create through balloon art is amazing.

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