Celebrate "Teen Read Week" at the Hauppauge Public Library!
As you know, we always encourage teens to read... it's kind of what we do here at the library. But from Sunday, October 18th - Saturday, October 24th we will be encouraging you with gifts!
Every October, we join forces with libraries across America in an organized fashion to celebrate teens and the act of reading. Every day this week, after you check out an item from the circulation desk, head on over to the reference desk to get a free book of your choice. We have a cart full of books to choose from! If you also have a Hauppauge Library card, in addition to the free book you will be entered into a raffle for either a Borders gift card or an I-tunes gift card- your choice! (There is a limit of one free book and one raffle ticket per teen/ per day.)
And check out this cool bit of info: our librarian Ms. Tracy has contacted numerous Young Adult authors and asked them to answer one question for us at the Hauppauge Library. The question: what are you currently reading? Check this blog all week long to hear what some of your favorite authors are reading- and while you're at it, tell us what YOU'RE reading too! We'd love to know!
It seems only fair to let you know what I'm reading right now, right? Well I can't. Seriously... I've been sworn to secrecy. I'm reading one of the three books that are going to be battled in the Advanced Division Battle of the Books (for high-schoolers) this coming Spring. The titles are going to be announced to the public on December 1st and I can't wait cause I'm bursting at the seems here wanting to tell people about these books!!! Trust me, they are good!! I've said too much already.